About the Firm [1], Attorneys [3], Medical Professionals [1], Areas of Practice [38], Dangerous Drugs [15], Defective Medical Devices [12], Medical Malpractice [10], Personal Injury [16], Product Liability [42], Blog [156], Current Litigation [61], Documentation [30], Filed Lawsuits [52], Orders from Judges [6], Power Morcellator [1], Round Up [16]
About the Firm [1] ↑
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
Attorneys [3] ↑
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2014-08-20 Michael Miller Best Lawyers in America
- 2010-11-29 The Miller Firm: a national presence, a broad range of expertise
Medical Professionals [1] ↑
- 2015-08-06 Tiger Paw II System Recall
Areas of Practice [38] ↑
- 2019-09-04 Roundup September Litigation Update
- 2019-03-29 Plaintiff Prevails in First Multi District Litigation Trial
- 2019-03-20 Monsanto's Roundup Likely Caused Cancer
- 2019-03-08 Third Roundup Cancer Trial Begins on March 25 in Oakland, California
- 2019-02-13 How an Internet Platform Galvanized the Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi Movement in America
- 2017-12-01 Glyphosate Levels in Humans Up 500%, European Parliament Votes to Phase Out Glyphosate
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-10-09 Monsanto Lobbyists Kicked out of European Parliament as Countries Mull Glyphosate Ban
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-09-15 Monsanto Ghost Writes Its Own “Independent” Safety Reviews
- 2017-09-01 Miller Firm to Be Lead Trial Attorneys in First Monsanto Trial, France to Ban Roundup
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2017-08-11 Plaintiffs Present Their Case Against J&J at First California Talc Trial
- 2017-07-20 Independent Panel Concludes EPA Failed to Follow Own Guidelines in Prior Glyphosate Assessment
- 2017-07-07 Talc Supplier Imerys Can’t Avoid First California Trial
- 2017-06-29 California Lists Glyphosate as a Cancer-Causing Chemical Despite Monsanto Appeals
- 2017-06-16 Expert States Talc Is Clearly Toxic, Trial Reveals J&J Targeted At-Risk Minorities
- 2017-06-09 EPA Employees Under Investigation For Cozy Relationship with Monsanto?
- 2017-05-30 Talc Updates: First Multi-Plaintiff Trial June 5, Valeant Wants J&J to Pay Legal Fees for Talc Lawsuits
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-05-05 Jury Awards $110 Million to Another Victim of J&J’s Reckless Promotion of Talcum Powder
- 2017-04-21 International Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague Finds Monsanto Guilty of Ecocide
- 2017-04-07 New Talcum Powder Trial Set to Begin in St. Louis on April 10th
- 2017-03-31 U.S. & European Lawmakers Urge Investigation into Monsanto’s Roundup® Marketing
- 2017-03-17 New Study Confirms J&J’s Talc Associated with Statistically Significant Increase in Ovarian Cancer
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-24 J&J Faces Another Trial in St. Louis., FDA Funds Talc Cancer Risk Study
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2017-01-27 Johnson & Johnson Continues Unsuccessful Quest to Delay Justice for Talcum Powder Victims
- 2017-01-13 Monsanto Attacks Independent Scientists at the Expense of Human Health and Safety
- 2016-12-22 Motion for Expedited Trial Filed in LA Talc Litigation Due to Plaintiff’s Terminal Illness
- 2016-12-16 Scientific Panel Advises EPA on Whether Glyphosate Causes Cancer
- 2016-12-05 After Third Straight Loss, Johnson & Johnson Claims St. Louis Jurors Can’t be Impartial
- 2016-11-23 Michael Miller Appointed Co-leader of Monsanto Roundup® MDL, EPA Bows to Pesticide Lobbyists
- 2016-11-10 $70 Million Dollar Verdict in Third Johnson & Johnson Talc Trial
- 2016-11-03 Monsanto Attacks EPA and WHO Scientists as Cancer Lawsuits Continue to Grow
- 2010-04-30 Miller Firm collects hundreds of millions as lead counsel in Fen-Phen action
Dangerous Drugs [15] ↑
- 2015-02-03 Zofran Birth Defects
- 2014-06-25 Invokana Lawsuit
- 2013-05-27 SSRI Birth Defects
- 2012-12-11 GranuFlo and NatruaLyte
- 2012-12-10 Steroid Injectetion Meningitis
- 2011-01-14 Meridia
- 2011-01-14 Topamax
- 2010-12-06 Depakote
- 2010-12-06 Actos
- 2010-06-14 Levaquin
- 2010-06-14 Reglan
- 2010-06-14 Byetta
- 2010-06-14 Accutane
- 2010-06-14 Fosamax
- 2010-06-14 Plavix
Defective Medical Devices [12] ↑
- 2015-04-01 Bloomberg Reports On Actos Settlement Talks
- 2015-01-18 Mirena IUD Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC)/Intracranial Hypertension (IH)
- 2014-06-23 Biomet and DePuy ASR Settlements
- 2012-11-28 Medtronic Infuse
- 2011-03-07 Zimmer Knee Replacement
- 2011-03-07 Transvaginal Mesh
- 2011-03-07 Hip Replacement Injury
- 2010-12-03 Bausch & Lomb
- 2010-12-03 Shoulder Pain Pump
- 2010-12-03 NuvaRing
- 2010-12-03 Heart Stents
- 2010-12-03 Kugel Mesh Hernia Patch
Medical Malpractice [10] ↑
- 2015-08-06 IVC Filters
- 2015-05-07 Latest Status for Remaining Metal on Metal Hip Claims
- 2015-04-09 DePuy Pinnacle Trial Set for January 2016
- 2015-04-01 Bloomberg Reports On Actos Settlement Talks
- 2015-03-24 Citizen Petition Tries To Stop Zofran Use In Pregnant Women
- 2015-03-13 Flawed Zofran Study Results In Doctors Continuing to Put Families At Risk
- 2015-03-02 Expanding on GSK's Illegal Actions Promoting Zofran
- 2015-01-28 Hip Replacement Update Jan 2015
- 2015-01-26 Transvagnial Mesh Update, Ethicon and Call Centers
- 2015-01-12 Miller Firm Investigating Mirena Pseudotumor Celebri Claims
Personal Injury [16] ↑
- 2019-02-17 A Newly Peer-reviewed And Published Study Reports That Individuals Exposed to Roundup Have A 41% Increase Of Developing non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
- 2018-07-22 Roundup Lymphoma Cases Given Green Light by Federal Court
- 2018-07-12 The Miller Firm begins world's first Roundup trial in San Francisco
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2017-07-07 Talc Supplier Imerys Can’t Avoid First California Trial
- 2017-06-16 Expert States Talc Is Clearly Toxic, Trial Reveals J&J Targeted At-Risk Minorities
- 2017-05-30 Talc Updates: First Multi-Plaintiff Trial June 5, Valeant Wants J&J to Pay Legal Fees for Talc Lawsuits
- 2017-05-05 Jury Awards $110 Million to Another Victim of J&J’s Reckless Promotion of Talcum Powder
- 2017-04-07 New Talcum Powder Trial Set to Begin in St. Louis on April 10th
- 2017-03-17 New Study Confirms J&J’s Talc Associated with Statistically Significant Increase in Ovarian Cancer
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-24 J&J Faces Another Trial in St. Louis., FDA Funds Talc Cancer Risk Study
- 2016-10-03 IEDs Are Biggest Killer of U.S. Troops in Iraq
Product Liability [42] ↑
- 2019-09-04 Roundup September Litigation Update
- 2019-06-14 Mediator Appointed for Monsanto Roundup MDL (Multi-District Litigation) - Here's What You Should Know
- 2019-06-14 Pilliod Trial Verdict Sets Precedent - $2 Billion Judgement Sends Message to Monsanto
- 2019-03-29 Plaintiff Prevails in First Multi District Litigation Trial
- 2019-03-20 Monsanto's Roundup Likely Caused Cancer
- 2019-03-08 Third Roundup Cancer Trial Begins on March 25 in Oakland, California
- 2018-12-27 Dave Dickens Miller Firm Attorney For Lee Johnson Named To Trial Team of the Year
- 2017-12-01 Glyphosate Levels in Humans Up 500%, European Parliament Votes to Phase Out Glyphosate
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-10-09 Monsanto Lobbyists Kicked out of European Parliament as Countries Mull Glyphosate Ban
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-09-15 Monsanto Ghost Writes Its Own “Independent” Safety Reviews
- 2017-09-01 Miller Firm to Be Lead Trial Attorneys in First Monsanto Trial, France to Ban Roundup
- 2017-08-11 Plaintiffs Present Their Case Against J&J at First California Talc Trial
- 2017-07-20 Independent Panel Concludes EPA Failed to Follow Own Guidelines in Prior Glyphosate Assessment
- 2017-07-07 Talc Supplier Imerys Can’t Avoid First California Trial
- 2017-06-29 California Lists Glyphosate as a Cancer-Causing Chemical Despite Monsanto Appeals
- 2017-06-16 Expert States Talc Is Clearly Toxic, Trial Reveals J&J Targeted At-Risk Minorities
- 2017-06-09 EPA Employees Under Investigation For Cozy Relationship with Monsanto?
- 2017-05-30 Talc Updates: First Multi-Plaintiff Trial June 5, Valeant Wants J&J to Pay Legal Fees for Talc Lawsuits
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-05-05 Jury Awards $110 Million to Another Victim of J&J’s Reckless Promotion of Talcum Powder
- 2017-04-21 International Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague Finds Monsanto Guilty of Ecocide
- 2017-04-07 New Talcum Powder Trial Set to Begin in St. Louis on April 10th
- 2017-03-31 U.S. & European Lawmakers Urge Investigation into Monsanto’s Roundup® Marketing
- 2017-03-17 New Study Confirms J&J’s Talc Associated with Statistically Significant Increase in Ovarian Cancer
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-24 J&J Faces Another Trial in St. Louis., FDA Funds Talc Cancer Risk Study
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2017-01-27 Johnson & Johnson Continues Unsuccessful Quest to Delay Justice for Talcum Powder Victims
- 2017-01-13 Monsanto Attacks Independent Scientists at the Expense of Human Health and Safety
- 2016-12-22 Motion for Expedited Trial Filed in LA Talc Litigation Due to Plaintiff’s Terminal Illness
- 2016-12-16 Scientific Panel Advises EPA on Whether Glyphosate Causes Cancer
- 2016-12-05 After Third Straight Loss, Johnson & Johnson Claims St. Louis Jurors Can’t be Impartial
- 2016-11-23 Michael Miller Appointed Co-leader of Monsanto Roundup® MDL, EPA Bows to Pesticide Lobbyists
- 2016-11-10 $70 Million Dollar Verdict in Third Johnson & Johnson Talc Trial
- 2016-11-03 Monsanto Attacks EPA and WHO Scientists as Cancer Lawsuits Continue to Grow
- 2016-10-20 Third Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit Underway in St. Louis, MO
- 2016-03-05 Talc Ovarian Cancer: Johnson & Johnson Shower to Shower and Baby Powder
- 2015-03-25 Miller Firm Now Investigating Roundup Causing Cancer
- 2014-04-30 Over 300 Deaths May Be Linked to Defective GM Ignition Switches
Blog [156] ↑
- 2021-07-13 Michael Miller Discusses Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuits
- 2019-07-15 Monsanto Verdicts Featured in Law360 Release as a 'Top Product Liability Case’
- 2019-07-12 Bayer's Move to Abandon Glyphosate Is a Step in the Right Direction - Next They Should Admit Wrongdoing
- 2019-07-10 Bayer and Other Weedkiller Brands to Move Away from Glyphosate Ahead of 2022 EU Registration
- 2019-06-14 Mediator Appointed for Monsanto Roundup MDL (Multi-District Litigation) - Here's What You Should Know
- 2019-06-14 Pilliod Trial Verdict Sets Precedent - $2 Billion Judgement Sends Message to Monsanto
- 2019-03-29 Plaintiff Prevails in First Multi District Litigation Trial
- 2019-03-20 Monsanto's Roundup Likely Caused Cancer
- 2019-03-08 Third Roundup Cancer Trial Begins on March 25 in Oakland, California
- 2019-02-17 A Newly Peer-reviewed And Published Study Reports That Individuals Exposed to Roundup Have A 41% Increase Of Developing non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
- 2019-02-13 How an Internet Platform Galvanized the Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi Movement in America
- 2018-12-27 Dave Dickens Miller Firm Attorney For Lee Johnson Named To Trial Team of the Year
- 2018-07-22 Roundup Lymphoma Cases Given Green Light by Federal Court
- 2018-07-12 The Miller Firm begins world's first Roundup trial in San Francisco
- 2017-12-01 Glyphosate Levels in Humans Up 500%, European Parliament Votes to Phase Out Glyphosate
- 2017-10-24 White Supremacists Continue Campaign of Hate and Violence
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-10-09 Monsanto Lobbyists Kicked out of European Parliament as Countries Mull Glyphosate Ban
- 2017-09-29 FBI Reports Domestic White Supremacist Terrorism on the Rise, U.S. Declares Charlottesville Attack Domestic Terrorism
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-09-15 Monsanto Ghost Writes Its Own “Independent” Safety Reviews
- 2017-09-08 D.C. Appeals Court Upholds Verdict: Sudan Owes Billions to US Terror Victims
- 2017-09-01 Miller Firm to Be Lead Trial Attorneys in First Monsanto Trial, France to Ban Roundup
- 2017-08-25 Jury Awards $417 Million Verdict for Plaintiff in California Talc Case
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2017-08-11 Plaintiffs Present Their Case Against J&J at First California Talc Trial
- 2017-07-20 Independent Panel Concludes EPA Failed to Follow Own Guidelines in Prior Glyphosate Assessment
- 2017-07-14 Government Will Seize Iran-Owned NYC Skyscraper on Behalf of U.S. Terrorism Victims
- 2017-07-07 Talc Supplier Imerys Can’t Avoid First California Trial
- 2017-06-29 California Lists Glyphosate as a Cancer-Causing Chemical Despite Monsanto Appeals
- 2017-06-23 UAE Joins Saudi Arabia in Anti-JASTA Lobbying, Threatens to Withhold Intelligence
- 2017-06-16 Expert States Talc Is Clearly Toxic, Trial Reveals J&J Targeted At-Risk Minorities
- 2017-06-09 EPA Employees Under Investigation For Cozy Relationship with Monsanto?
- 2017-06-02 JASTA Update: U.S.-Saudi Relations, U.K. Terrorism Report Under Spotlight
- 2017-05-30 Talc Updates: First Multi-Plaintiff Trial June 5, Valeant Wants J&J to Pay Legal Fees for Talc Lawsuits
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-05-12 Anti-JASTA Lobbying Groups Conceal Saudi Arabian Backing When Recruiting U.S. Vets
- 2017-05-05 Jury Awards $110 Million to Another Victim of J&J’s Reckless Promotion of Talcum Powder
- 2017-04-28 The Miller Firm and Rothenberg Firm Launch New Website for 9/11 Victims
- 2017-04-21 International Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague Finds Monsanto Guilty of Ecocide
- 2017-04-14 Department of Justice Releases over 1 Billion to Compensate Terrorism Victims, Including Miller Firm Clients
- 2017-04-07 New Talcum Powder Trial Set to Begin in St. Louis on April 10th
- 2017-03-31 U.S. & European Lawmakers Urge Investigation into Monsanto’s Roundup® Marketing
- 2017-03-24 9/11 Families Remind Trump of JASTA Campaign Promises after His Meeting with Saudi Prince
- 2017-03-17 New Study Confirms J&J’s Talc Associated with Statistically Significant Increase in Ovarian Cancer
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-24 J&J Faces Another Trial in St. Louis., FDA Funds Talc Cancer Risk Study
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-13 Saudi Arabian Consultants Recruit U.S. Vets to Lobby Congress against JASTA
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2017-01-27 Johnson & Johnson Continues Unsuccessful Quest to Delay Justice for Talcum Powder Victims
- 2017-01-20 Miller Firm Obtains Compensation for 1998 Embassy Bombings Victims, Represents 9/11 Victims
- 2017-01-13 Monsanto Attacks Independent Scientists at the Expense of Human Health and Safety
- 2017-01-06 Independent Scientific Panel Skeptical of EPA and Monsanto’s Claims of Glyphosate Safety
- 2016-12-30 Saudi Arabia Continues Relentless Lobbying Efforts to Avoid Lawsuits from 9/11 Victims
- 2016-12-22 Motion for Expedited Trial Filed in LA Talc Litigation Due to Plaintiff’s Terminal Illness
- 2016-12-16 Scientific Panel Advises EPA on Whether Glyphosate Causes Cancer
- 2016-12-09 Senate Bill Introduced to Weaken JASTA Unlikely to Succeed
- 2016-12-05 After Third Straight Loss, Johnson & Johnson Claims St. Louis Jurors Can’t be Impartial
- 2016-11-23 Michael Miller Appointed Co-leader of Monsanto Roundup® MDL, EPA Bows to Pesticide Lobbyists
- 2016-11-17 Miller Firm Files Claims to Collect on Judgment for 1998 Embassy Bombing Victims
- 2016-11-10 $70 Million Dollar Verdict in Third Johnson & Johnson Talc Trial
- 2016-11-03 Monsanto Attacks EPA and WHO Scientists as Cancer Lawsuits Continue to Grow
- 2016-10-27 Saudi Arabian Government Lobbies to Avoid 9/11 Lawsuits Despite Evidence it Aided 9/11 Terrorists
- 2016-10-20 Third Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit Underway in St. Louis, MO
- 2016-10-13 The Miller Firm Speaks at Hague International Tribunal on Behalf of Monsanto Victims
- 2016-10-06 Miller Firm Files First 9/11 Lawsuit against Saudi Arabia Following the Passage of Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Bill (JASTA)
- 2016-10-03 IEDs Are Biggest Killer of U.S. Troops in Iraq
- 2016-05-03 Johnson & Johnson Talc Litigation $55 Million Judgment
- 2016-04-12 Johnson & Johnson Talc Litigation
- 2016-03-05 Talc Ovarian Cancer: Johnson & Johnson Shower to Shower and Baby Powder
- 2015-08-06 ERCP / Duodenoscope “Superbug” Infections
- 2015-08-06 Tiger Paw II System Recall
- 2015-08-06 IVC Filters
- 2015-05-01 Terrorism
- 2015-05-01 BNP Paribas Sentencing Today
- 2015-04-29 Actos Settlement Offer Announced
- 2015-04-28 New FDA Pregnancy Labeling
- 2015-04-27 Zofran Litigation What's to Come
- 2015-04-09 DePuy Pinnacle Trial Set for January 2016
- 2015-04-01 Bloomberg Reports On Actos Settlement Talks
- 2015-03-25 Miller Firm Now Investigating Roundup Causing Cancer
- 2015-03-24 Citizen Petition Tries To Stop Zofran Use In Pregnant Women
- 2015-03-13 Flawed Zofran Study Results In Doctors Continuing to Put Families At Risk
- 2015-03-10 Actos Kristufek Trial Worksheet
- 2015-03-02 Expanding on GSK's Illegal Actions Promoting Zofran
- 2015-02-27 California Ethicon Verdict Likely Announced Today
- 2015-02-25 First Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuits Filed
- 2015-02-24 ASR Deal Expanded
- 2015-02-12 Miller Firm Wins Its 6th Actos Trial
- 2015-02-12 Bloomberg Reports On Kristufek Actos Closing Arguments
- 2015-02-11 Actos Verdict Upheld and 6th Trial Winds Down
- 2015-02-04 DePuy ASR Trial Verdict
- 2015-02-03 Zofran Birth Defects
- 2015-01-29 Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit
- 2015-01-29 Ethicon Case Settles During Trial
- 2015-01-28 Hip Replacement Update Jan 2015
- 2015-01-28 Power Morcellator
- 2015-01-26 Transvagnial Mesh Update, Ethicon and Call Centers
- 2015-01-22 ACTOS Update Week 1 of Trial
- 2015-01-21 Transvaginal Mesh Verdict Scoreboard
- 2015-01-20 Viagra Melanoma Lawsuits Getting Ready to Be Filed
- 2015-01-18 Mirena IUD Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC)/Intracranial Hypertension (IH)
- 2015-01-14 2015 Kicks off with a Host of Transvaginal Mesh Trials
- 2015-01-12 Miller Firm Investigating Mirena Pseudotumor Celebri Claims
- 2015-01-09 Miller Firm Begins 6th Actos Trial!
- 2014-10-07 The Miller Firm Win VS Takeda Phamaceuticals
- 2014-08-20 Michael Miller Best Lawyers in America
- 2014-06-25 Invokana Lawsuit
- 2014-06-23 Biomet and DePuy ASR Settlements
- 2014-04-30 Over 300 Deaths May Be Linked to Defective GM Ignition Switches
- 2013-11-05 Juries Find for Plaintiffs in First Two Actos Trials
- 2013-05-27 SSRI Birth Defects
- 2013-02-17 Actos Cancer Victim Gets Accelerated Trial Date
- 2012-12-11 GranuFlo and NatruaLyte
- 2012-12-10 Transvaginal Mesh
- 2012-12-10 The Miller Firm: Actos Update
- 2012-12-10 Medtronic Infuse Update
- 2012-12-10 Steroid Injectetion Meningitis
- 2012-12-10 Actos Blog
- 2012-12-10 The Miller Firm: Actos Update
- 2012-12-10 Actos Update
- 2012-12-09 Successful Avandia Settlement for Thousands of Clients
- 2012-11-28 Medtronic Infuse
- 2012-09-11 Granuflo and NaturaLyte Update
- 2011-03-07 Zimmer Knee Replacement
- 2011-03-07 Transvaginal Mesh
- 2011-03-07 Metal Hip Replacement
- 2011-03-07 Shoulder Pain Pump Update
- 2011-03-07 Hip Replacement Injury
- 2011-01-14 Meridia
- 2011-01-14 Topamax
- 2010-12-06 Depakote
- 2010-12-06 Actos
- 2010-12-03 Bausch & Lomb
- 2010-12-03 Shoulder Pain Pump
- 2010-12-03 NuvaRing
- 2010-12-03 Heart Stents
- 2010-12-03 Kugel Mesh Hernia Patch
- 2010-11-29 The Miller Firm: a national presence, a broad range of expertise
- 2010-06-14 Byetta
- 2010-06-14 Accutane
- 2010-06-14 Levaquin
- 2010-06-14 Reglan
- 2010-06-14 Accutane Update
- 2010-06-14 Plavix
- 2010-06-14 Fosamax
- 2010-06-11 Avandia
- 2010-06-11 Kugel Mesh Patch Update
- 2010-06-11 Reglan Update
- 2010-06-11 Plavix Update
- 2010-06-11 Digitek Update
- 2010-04-30 Over $270 million recovered on behalf of pharmaceutical victims
- 2010-04-30 Miller Firm collects hundreds of millions as lead counsel in Fen-Phen action
Current Litigation [61] ↑
- 2019-06-14 Mediator Appointed for Monsanto Roundup MDL (Multi-District Litigation) - Here's What You Should Know
- 2019-06-14 Pilliod Trial Verdict Sets Precedent - $2 Billion Judgement Sends Message to Monsanto
- 2017-12-01 Glyphosate Levels in Humans Up 500%, European Parliament Votes to Phase Out Glyphosate
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-10-09 Monsanto Lobbyists Kicked out of European Parliament as Countries Mull Glyphosate Ban
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-09-15 Monsanto Ghost Writes Its Own “Independent” Safety Reviews
- 2017-09-01 Miller Firm to Be Lead Trial Attorneys in First Monsanto Trial, France to Ban Roundup
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2017-08-11 Plaintiffs Present Their Case Against J&J at First California Talc Trial
- 2017-07-20 Independent Panel Concludes EPA Failed to Follow Own Guidelines in Prior Glyphosate Assessment
- 2017-07-07 Talc Supplier Imerys Can’t Avoid First California Trial
- 2017-06-29 California Lists Glyphosate as a Cancer-Causing Chemical Despite Monsanto Appeals
- 2017-06-16 Expert States Talc Is Clearly Toxic, Trial Reveals J&J Targeted At-Risk Minorities
- 2017-06-09 EPA Employees Under Investigation For Cozy Relationship with Monsanto?
- 2017-05-30 Talc Updates: First Multi-Plaintiff Trial June 5, Valeant Wants J&J to Pay Legal Fees for Talc Lawsuits
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-05-05 Jury Awards $110 Million to Another Victim of J&J’s Reckless Promotion of Talcum Powder
- 2017-04-21 International Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague Finds Monsanto Guilty of Ecocide
- 2017-04-07 New Talcum Powder Trial Set to Begin in St. Louis on April 10th
- 2017-03-31 U.S. & European Lawmakers Urge Investigation into Monsanto’s Roundup® Marketing
- 2017-03-17 New Study Confirms J&J’s Talc Associated with Statistically Significant Increase in Ovarian Cancer
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-24 J&J Faces Another Trial in St. Louis., FDA Funds Talc Cancer Risk Study
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2017-01-27 Johnson & Johnson Continues Unsuccessful Quest to Delay Justice for Talcum Powder Victims
- 2017-01-13 Monsanto Attacks Independent Scientists at the Expense of Human Health and Safety
- 2017-01-06 Independent Scientific Panel Skeptical of EPA and Monsanto’s Claims of Glyphosate Safety
- 2016-12-22 Motion for Expedited Trial Filed in LA Talc Litigation Due to Plaintiff’s Terminal Illness
- 2016-12-16 Scientific Panel Advises EPA on Whether Glyphosate Causes Cancer
- 2016-12-05 After Third Straight Loss, Johnson & Johnson Claims St. Louis Jurors Can’t be Impartial
- 2016-11-23 Michael Miller Appointed Co-leader of Monsanto Roundup® MDL, EPA Bows to Pesticide Lobbyists
- 2016-11-10 $70 Million Dollar Verdict in Third Johnson & Johnson Talc Trial
- 2016-11-03 Monsanto Attacks EPA and WHO Scientists as Cancer Lawsuits Continue to Grow
- 2016-10-27 Saudi Arabian Government Lobbies to Avoid 9/11 Lawsuits Despite Evidence it Aided 9/11 Terrorists
- 2016-10-06 Miller Firm Files First 9/11 Lawsuit against Saudi Arabia Following the Passage of Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Bill (JASTA)
- 2016-10-03 IEDs Are Biggest Killer of U.S. Troops in Iraq
- 2016-05-03 Johnson & Johnson Talc Litigation $55 Million Judgment
- 2016-04-12 Johnson & Johnson Talc Litigation
- 2015-04-27 Zofran Litigation What's to Come
- 2015-03-25 Miller Firm Now Investigating Roundup Causing Cancer
- 2015-02-03 Zofran Birth Defects
- 2015-01-29 Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit
- 2015-01-18 Mirena IUD Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC)/Intracranial Hypertension (IH)
- 2014-10-07 The Miller Firm Win VS Takeda Phamaceuticals
- 2014-06-25 Invokana Lawsuit
- 2014-06-23 Biomet and DePuy ASR Settlements
- 2014-04-30 Over 300 Deaths May Be Linked to Defective GM Ignition Switches
- 2012-12-10 Actos Update
- 2012-12-10 Transvaginal Mesh
- 2012-12-10 Medtronic Infuse Update
- 2012-09-11 Granuflo and NaturaLyte Update
- 2011-03-07 Metal Hip Replacement
- 2011-03-07 Shoulder Pain Pump Update
- 2010-06-14 Accutane Update
- 2010-06-11 Avandia
- 2010-06-11 Reglan Update
- 2010-06-11 Plavix Update
- 2010-06-11 Digitek Update
- 2010-06-11 Kugel Mesh Patch Update
Documentation [30] ↑
- 2017-12-01 Glyphosate Levels in Humans Up 500%, European Parliament Votes to Phase Out Glyphosate
- 2017-10-24 White Supremacists Continue Campaign of Hate and Violence
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-10-09 Monsanto Lobbyists Kicked out of European Parliament as Countries Mull Glyphosate Ban
- 2017-09-29 FBI Reports Domestic White Supremacist Terrorism on the Rise, U.S. Declares Charlottesville Attack Domestic Terrorism
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-09-15 Monsanto Ghost Writes Its Own “Independent” Safety Reviews
- 2017-09-08 D.C. Appeals Court Upholds Verdict: Sudan Owes Billions to US Terror Victims
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2017-07-14 Government Will Seize Iran-Owned NYC Skyscraper on Behalf of U.S. Terrorism Victims
- 2017-06-29 California Lists Glyphosate as a Cancer-Causing Chemical Despite Monsanto Appeals
- 2017-06-23 UAE Joins Saudi Arabia in Anti-JASTA Lobbying, Threatens to Withhold Intelligence
- 2017-06-09 EPA Employees Under Investigation For Cozy Relationship with Monsanto?
- 2017-06-02 JASTA Update: U.S.-Saudi Relations, U.K. Terrorism Report Under Spotlight
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-05-12 Anti-JASTA Lobbying Groups Conceal Saudi Arabian Backing When Recruiting U.S. Vets
- 2017-04-28 The Miller Firm and Rothenberg Firm Launch New Website for 9/11 Victims
- 2017-04-14 Department of Justice Releases over 1 Billion to Compensate Terrorism Victims, Including Miller Firm Clients
- 2017-03-24 9/11 Families Remind Trump of JASTA Campaign Promises after His Meeting with Saudi Prince
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2016-10-13 The Miller Firm Speaks at Hague International Tribunal on Behalf of Monsanto Victims
- 2015-03-10 Actos Kristufek Trial Worksheet
- 2015-02-24 ASR Deal Expanded
- 2015-02-12 Bloomberg Reports On Kristufek Actos Closing Arguments
- 2015-01-22 ACTOS Update Week 1 of Trial
- 2015-01-14 2015 Kicks off with a Host of Transvaginal Mesh Trials
- 2013-11-05 Juries Find for Plaintiffs in First Two Actos Trials
- 2013-02-17 Actos Cancer Victim Gets Accelerated Trial Date
Filed Lawsuits [52] ↑
- 2017-12-01 Glyphosate Levels in Humans Up 500%, European Parliament Votes to Phase Out Glyphosate
- 2017-10-24 White Supremacists Continue Campaign of Hate and Violence
- 2017-10-13 J&J Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Reckless Behavior
- 2017-10-09 Monsanto Lobbyists Kicked out of European Parliament as Countries Mull Glyphosate Ban
- 2017-09-29 FBI Reports Domestic White Supremacist Terrorism on the Rise, U.S. Declares Charlottesville Attack Domestic Terrorism
- 2017-09-22 J&J Concealed Dangerous Asbestos Content in its Talcum Powder
- 2017-09-15 Monsanto Ghost Writes Its Own “Independent” Safety Reviews
- 2017-09-08 D.C. Appeals Court Upholds Verdict: Sudan Owes Billions to US Terror Victims
- 2017-09-01 Miller Firm to Be Lead Trial Attorneys in First Monsanto Trial, France to Ban Roundup
- 2017-08-25 Jury Awards $417 Million Verdict for Plaintiff in California Talc Case
- 2017-08-18 The Miller Firm Sues White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists in Charlottesville VA Attack
- 2017-07-20 Independent Panel Concludes EPA Failed to Follow Own Guidelines in Prior Glyphosate Assessment
- 2017-07-14 Government Will Seize Iran-Owned NYC Skyscraper on Behalf of U.S. Terrorism Victims
- 2017-06-29 California Lists Glyphosate as a Cancer-Causing Chemical Despite Monsanto Appeals
- 2017-06-23 UAE Joins Saudi Arabia in Anti-JASTA Lobbying, Threatens to Withhold Intelligence
- 2017-06-09 EPA Employees Under Investigation For Cozy Relationship with Monsanto?
- 2017-06-02 JASTA Update: U.S.-Saudi Relations, U.K. Terrorism Report Under Spotlight
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-05-12 Anti-JASTA Lobbying Groups Conceal Saudi Arabian Backing When Recruiting U.S. Vets
- 2017-04-28 The Miller Firm and Rothenberg Firm Launch New Website for 9/11 Victims
- 2017-04-21 International Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague Finds Monsanto Guilty of Ecocide
- 2017-04-14 Department of Justice Releases over 1 Billion to Compensate Terrorism Victims, Including Miller Firm Clients
- 2017-03-24 9/11 Families Remind Trump of JASTA Campaign Promises after His Meeting with Saudi Prince
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-13 Saudi Arabian Consultants Recruit U.S. Vets to Lobby Congress against JASTA
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2017-01-20 Miller Firm Obtains Compensation for 1998 Embassy Bombings Victims, Represents 9/11 Victims
- 2017-01-13 Monsanto Attacks Independent Scientists at the Expense of Human Health and Safety
- 2017-01-06 Independent Scientific Panel Skeptical of EPA and Monsanto’s Claims of Glyphosate Safety
- 2016-12-30 Saudi Arabia Continues Relentless Lobbying Efforts to Avoid Lawsuits from 9/11 Victims
- 2016-12-09 Senate Bill Introduced to Weaken JASTA Unlikely to Succeed
- 2016-11-17 Miller Firm Files Claims to Collect on Judgment for 1998 Embassy Bombing Victims
- 2016-10-13 The Miller Firm Speaks at Hague International Tribunal on Behalf of Monsanto Victims
- 2016-10-06 Miller Firm Files First 9/11 Lawsuit against Saudi Arabia Following the Passage of Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Bill (JASTA)
- 2015-08-06 ERCP / Duodenoscope “Superbug” Infections
- 2015-05-01 Terrorism
- 2015-05-01 BNP Paribas Sentencing Today
- 2015-04-29 Actos Settlement Offer Announced
- 2015-02-25 First Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuits Filed
- 2015-02-12 Miller Firm Wins Its 6th Actos Trial
- 2015-02-04 DePuy ASR Trial Verdict
- 2015-01-21 Transvaginal Mesh Verdict Scoreboard
- 2015-01-20 Viagra Melanoma Lawsuits Getting Ready to Be Filed
- 2015-01-09 Miller Firm Begins 6th Actos Trial!
- 2014-10-07 The Miller Firm Win VS Takeda Phamaceuticals
- 2013-11-05 Juries Find for Plaintiffs in First Two Actos Trials
- 2013-02-17 Actos Cancer Victim Gets Accelerated Trial Date
- 2012-12-10 The Miller Firm: Actos Update
- 2012-12-09 Successful Avandia Settlement for Thousands of Clients
- 2010-04-30 Over $270 million recovered on behalf of pharmaceutical victims
Orders from Judges [6] ↑
- 2017-01-27 Johnson & Johnson Continues Unsuccessful Quest to Delay Justice for Talcum Powder Victims
- 2015-04-29 Actos Settlement Offer Announced
- 2015-02-27 California Ethicon Verdict Likely Announced Today
- 2015-02-12 Bloomberg Reports On Kristufek Actos Closing Arguments
- 2015-02-11 Actos Verdict Upheld and 6th Trial Winds Down
- 2015-01-29 Ethicon Case Settles During Trial
Power Morcellator [1] ↑
- 2015-01-28 Power Morcellator
Round Up [16] ↑
- 2019-09-04 Roundup September Litigation Update
- 2019-06-14 Mediator Appointed for Monsanto Roundup MDL (Multi-District Litigation) - Here's What You Should Know
- 2019-03-20 Monsanto's Roundup Likely Caused Cancer
- 2019-03-08 Third Roundup Cancer Trial Begins on March 25 in Oakland, California
- 2019-02-17 A Newly Peer-reviewed And Published Study Reports That Individuals Exposed to Roundup Have A 41% Increase Of Developing non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
- 2018-07-22 Roundup Lymphoma Cases Given Green Light by Federal Court
- 2018-07-12 The Miller Firm begins world's first Roundup trial in San Francisco
- 2017-09-01 Miller Firm to Be Lead Trial Attorneys in First Monsanto Trial, France to Ban Roundup
- 2017-05-19 CNN and CBS Feature Miller Firm Clients Who Developed Cancer After Roundup Exposure
- 2017-03-31 U.S. & European Lawmakers Urge Investigation into Monsanto’s Roundup® Marketing
- 2017-03-10 Roundup Plaintiffs Seek to Depose EPA Employee Regarding Connection to Monsanto
- 2017-02-17 Independent Scientists’ Review of Roundup® Confirms Cancer Risk
- 2017-02-03 Judge Rules Monsanto must Warn California Residents about Roundup® Cancer Risk
- 2016-11-23 Michael Miller Appointed Co-leader of Monsanto Roundup® MDL, EPA Bows to Pesticide Lobbyists
- 2015-03-25 Miller Firm Now Investigating Roundup Causing Cancer
All Pages
- About The Miller Firm
- Attorneys
- Brian Brake
- Curtis G. Hoke
- David J. Dickens
- Jeff Seldomridge
- Jeffrey Travers
- Keith Morgan
- Michael J. Miller
- Nancy Guy Armstrong Miller
- Shayne Hodge
- Tayjes Shah
- Areas of Practice
- Dangerous Drugs
- Defective Medical Devices
- Medical Malpractice
- Personal Injury
- Terrorism
- Case Results
- Contact
- Current Litigations
- Baby Formula NEC Lawsuit
- Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit
- ERCP / Duodenoscope “Superbug” Infections
- Hair Relaxers
- Hernia Mesh
- IVC Filters
- Justice for 9/11 Victims
- Metal Hip Replacement
- Paraquat Parkinson’s Lawsuit
- Power Morcellator
- Roundup and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
- Social Media claims: School Boards
- Talcum Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit
- Tiger Paw II System Recall
- Tylenol Autism Lawsuit
- Zantac
- Zofran Birth Defects
- Hernia Mesh Litigation
- Homepage
- Johnson & Johnson Talc Shower to Shower Ovarian Cancer
- J&J Case - Form Confirmation
- Memberships
- Orange County Airport Fire Client Portal September 9th.
- Hair Relaxer Claim Questionnaire
- Orange County Airport Fire - Claimant Information Sheet
- Palisades Fire - Claim Form
- Red River Voting Portal
- Referrals
- Roundup - Form Confirmation
- Roundup Settlement
- Roundup Settlement
- Sitemap
- Talc Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit
- Talcum Powder Litigation Updates
- Welcome to the Hair Relaxer Claim Portal
- Zantac Litigation Update
- Zofran Lawsuit